Resources for Our Community

Our Mission

The work of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is to help our Heavenly Father to accomplish his purposes, namely, to bring to the pass the immortality and eternal life of all mankind. We believe that we are all God's children, and so, we are all brothers and sisters. In fact, in our church, you will hear members refer to one another with the title Brother and Sister followed by their surnames, this is done out of love and respect for one another. We feel that child of God is our greatest role and identity in mortality. We recognize and accept that many members of our community do not and will not accept our doctrine or teachings as their own, nevertheless, we know that we live among many many good men and women in our communities and we share many common goals. We strive to work hand-in-hand with anyone who desires to bring good into our communities and neighborhoods. One of the most sacred tenets of our faith states: we believe in being honest, true, chaste, benevolent, virtuous, and in doing good to all men . . . if there is anything virtuous, lovely, or of good report or praiseworthy we strive to seek after these things. We often fall short of these lofty goals, but if you have these same desires for our community, and we know that so many of our good friends outside our church do, WE WANT TO PARNTER WITH YOU! We're not sure how best to support our communities and our partners in bringing about more virtue and praiseworthiness in our community, but below we have compiled some of the resources that we can offer to help contribute to this end. They are all free and available for your use. We hope they can aid you in some small way and bring more goodness into our neighborhoods!

Self-reliance Programs

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is committed to spreading self-reliance in our communities and throughout the world. We teach that each family can be self-reliant and that family members can provide for themselves. With this goal in mind, the Church provides four different self-reliance classes, and each one is offered locally on a rotating basis. These classes are titled: (1) Find a Better Job, (2) Education for Better Work, (3) Personal Finances (how to more effectively manage family finances), and (4) Starting and Growing My Business. To determine which of these self-reliance classes is best for you, navigate here. The Church has also started offering an Emotional Resilience course for those who feel that they are struggling with mental or emotional debilitations. Navigate here for more information about these workshops and navigate here to learn when and where to attend a group meeting (some of these classes are offered via video conference for those at a distance).

Addiction Recovery Programs

We know that addiction is a debilitating part of life for so many in modern society. The ubiquity of the Internet has brought so many tools into our lives, but by the same token, continuous fingertip access to the Internet has addicted us to our phones. Even worse than cellular phone addiction, so many homes are destroyed in one way or another by a spouse's addiction to pornography. The Church offers addiction recovery classes for anyone who would like to recover from addiction. Classes are offered that focus on overcoming sexual addiction as well as overcoming substance abuse addictions such as drugs and/or alcohol. To learn more information about these programs and to find a meeting, navigate here. To learn more specifics about local meetings, navigate here.

English as a Second Language Classes - English Connect

The Church of Jesus Christ offers a well-established curriculum for teaching English to anyone who is learning English as a second or foreign language, complete with three levels for those who are just beginning, those who are intermediate and for those who are more advanced. Knowing English will be a powerful tool for so many immigrants who arrive in our community seeking refuge or asylum. These classes are free and open to the public, for more information about English Connect, navigate here. For more details about local meeting places and times, navigate here.

JustServe Our Community - Serving Those in Need Brings Us All Together

Do you want a solution in our community for the divisiveness and hate that is rife all over the world? Do you want to see our community rise up in peace and be shielded from the anger and dissent that is pervasive in society today? Then SERVE! A community that is service-minded doesn't have time to criticize and belittle one another. We may have different ideals, but we can all agree that helping those in need can become the hallmark of our local community. If your goal is peace and prosperity for our neighborhoods, then look no further than JustServe. JustServe is a website or smart phone app that links people who want to do good with local opportunities to serve. Check out the website here or download the app for Google here or for Apple here, enter your Zip code to find a service opportunity near you, and start doing more good. If you are an organization in need of volunteers, you can also post your service opportunities by sending an email here so that more volunteers are aware of your needs. JustServe is a powerful free tool to heal our communities; take advantage of it!

Employment Services - For those Looking for a Job Right Away

Navigate to this website for myriad resources for finding a job. Join a video-conference group with many others who are actively searching for a job right now. Join a webinar to ask an expert about improving your search with an employment professional. Or maybe you just want to improve your resume in order to be more job ready, there's a video-conference forum for that too. These are live video-conferences that are here to help you get a job right away!

Development Counseling - For those Looking for the Right Career

If you have a job, but are underpaid or if the job just isn't what you envisioned for your long-term career, perhaps you need the Church's Development Counseling Services. These are trained employment professionals that can help you determine what job is right for you for the long-term in order to make more money and/or to be happier in your employment. Once a career outlook is identified and selected, the development counselors will help you learn what is required to find a job in this field. This might mean that you'll need to retrain through further technical school or higher education studies, or even on the job programs and internships. A Bishop of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints will first need to submit a referral for you to enjoy these services. Navigate here to learn more about the Church's Development Counseling Services.

Family History - Get Back to your Roots

Genealogy or Family History is all about learning your family's story. Do you know where your ancestors came from? Do you know who was the first member of your family to move to the US? Find out about your family through FamilySearch. This is a free Genealogy website that can be used by anyone, for free! The Church of Jesus Christ has long been considered among the world's leaders in family records and genealogy and we want to help you make connections with the people who came before you that have made you you! Access the website or download the free app for Google or for Apple today!

Top Tier University Education at Community College Prices - Get Your Degree!

A bachelor's degree is more valuable than ever in today's economy! No matter what line of work you plan to end up in, the skills learned through a bachelor's degree will advance your earning power in today's world of work. However, many are not willing to get or finish their degree due two typical stumbling blocks: time constraints and financial constraints. The Church of Jesus Christ has worked tirelessly to help remove these barriers. BYU's Pathway Worldwide Pathway Connect program boasts tuition rates below those of the cheapest community colleges, just $79 per credit hour! Additionally, Pathway classes can be taken at night and online to make your educational goals obtainable. There are no more excuses, your bachelor's degree is now convenient and incredibly affordable! After your Pathway Year, preparing for university classes, you'll be enrolled in one of BYU-Idaho's many online degree programs that will make you competitive in today's emerging markets. For the first time ever, you don't have to be a member of the Church to enroll in this program, but you will need a referral from a Bishop of the Church and you will have to agree to live certain standards of comportment, while you are a student at BYU-Idaho! Navigate here to check out Pathway Connect and get started on your degree!

Emergency Preparedness and Food Storage

When it comes to being prepared for emergencies and storing food and water, just in case, there are so many things to consider. Luckily, we've considered them all for you and provided links to some great helps to keep you and your family safe in case of an emergency. Check out all of these resources here!

Local Humanitarian Aid

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is famous worldwide for its humanitarian efforts during times of catastrophe or need. We strive to make sure members of our church and non-members alike have food in their bellies each day. Additionally, we always seek to respond promptly in the wake of natural disasters around the world. After Hurricane Katrina, local leaders there praised two groups, the Mormons and the LDS Faith, saying that both were instrumental in helping during the aftermath of that deadly storm. (If you don't know why that's funny, ask any member of The Church of Jesus Christ). Although the Church continues its noteworthy humanitarian efforts abroad, many don't realize the efforts that are being waged on the home front. The Church funds many worthy local projects, such as when the Prescott Valley Chapter of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints donated $27,000 for a much needed walk-in freezer for St. Vincent DePaul, so that they could continue to provide their much needed services. No project is too small and many projects are not too big! If you have a worthy need that benefits our community, don't be afraid to reach out to us. Not all needs will be funded, but we can always make a well thought out petition!

Wholesome Media

In our world of so much darkness, sometimes you just need to veg on light! The Church has compiled a smorgasbord of media content aimed at getting more light into the world and into your life! Maybe you'd like to binge New Testament bible videos that depict the life of Jesus Christ! Or maybe you'd just like some wholesome music to enjoy for yourself or to offer to your teenager. Love magazines? Here are some great ones for all ages! Or maybe you'd like to listen to uplifting and faith promoting stories. Whatever your predilection, there is good content out there to offset all the bad; find it here! There's even art to download and use to tell gospel-centered stories to your family! Navigate here and get lost in light!

Free Phone Apps - (Includes an Amazing KJ Version of the Bible)

The Church of Jesus Christ has a variety of phone apps designed to help you become a more effective disciple of Jesus Christ. The Church offers everything from an amazing KJV Bible app to a Tabernacle Choir at Temple Square app. Navigate here and odds are, you will find something that will bless your life and your phone!

Welfare, Medical, and Other Resources Offered From Our Community For All Community Members in Need

There are so many resources available from local partners, organizations, governmental agencies, and non-governmental agencies, all designed to help people in need. Sometimes we just need to know where to look to find them. Here we will house multiple resources to help our families as we find them and we will continue to grow this list as we discover more.

  • Resources for Kids Ages 6-18

  • Resources for Those in Need

    • St. Vincent DePaul - Thousands of Phone Numbers from Local Organizations that Care for Those in Need

    • Yavapai Employment and Training Network - Hundreds of Compiled Phone Numbers and Addresses of Local Organizations Who want to Do Good in our Community

    • 211 Arizona - This phenomenal website seeks to pinpoint your need with a resource in our community to help. Browse the website and learn of organizations and groups that you never knew existed! Maybe you'll want to volunteer for one of them!