Strengthening Marriages

The marriage covenant offers you the highest possibility for peace and happiness in this life and eternal family life in the world to come. While these blessings are glorious, they require significant effort. Many couples struggle desperately in their marriage relationships. President Gordon B. Hinckley declared: “Perhaps our greatest concern is with families. The family is falling apart all over the world. The old ties that bound together father and mother and children are breaking everywhere. We must face this in our own midst. There are too many broken homes among our own. The love that led to marriage somehow evaporates, and hatred fills its place. Hearts are broken; children weep.”

The purpose of the course is to foster a harmonious and loving relationship between you and your spouse. Sessions are conducted like other Church classes—gospel principles provide the foundation and framework for the sessions. In addition, learning activities and professional insights will help you integrate principles and skills in your life.

This course consists of 6 classes which couples are encouraged to take together. Contact the course facilitators to sign up!

Classes for 2023

Bennion: January 13,20,27, February 3,10,17

Reynolds: September 15,22,29, October 6,13,20