Resources for the Prescott Valley Stake
An Offering to Our Members
All of these resources are available to the members of the Prescott Valley Stake. We hope that every member and every household finds the hope, help, and healing that they desire through all that The Church of Jesus Christ has to offer. Please take advantage of these resources that have been put on the Earth through the inspiration of a Prophet to guide our lives in these difficult latter-days. There is lots of hope ahead. Let's all embrace it together!
Love, Share, Invite Content
The most important work in the latter-days is the gathering. When we gather scattered Israel on both sides of the veil we fulfill our divine commission to help the Lord in his sacred work to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man. Sharing the gospel should be natural and normal and there's so much out there to share in a natural and normal way, when we love others! The Prescott Valley AZ Stake has been working diligently to provide you with some digital content that you can share naturally and normally and we house it all here, on our Love, Share, and Invite website hub. This is all local content that you can share with your friends! Enjoy videos, graphics, the PV Stake blog, and even podcasts.
ARP - Addiction Recovery Program
Click here for more information about the Addiction Recovery Program (ARP) to help members overcome addictions to substances and/or addictions that are sexual in nature, such as pornography. Here you will also find help for family members of those who are struggling with addiction. Find everything you need to know about these discrete and inspired programs.
Self Reliance Group Meetings
If you feel that you need more education, a better job, more skills for managing your own finances, more emotional self reliance, more emotional resilience, or maybe you just want to grow your small business, click here to get more information about our free self reliance classes that are forming continually. You'll find the help you need right here and here! For welfare resources, click here!
Numbers to Names, Names to Friends
We have created a folder of documents and instructional videos to help ward leaders in the effort to change unknown numbers on the ward list into names and eventually into friends. Click here to learn how to organize and document this process effectively.
Gift a Tabbed Book of Mormon (Prospective Elders)
Our goal is to gift a tabbed Book of Mormon to each and every prospective elder in our stake by the end of the year. Click here to learn everything you need to know in order to give one away and to get started in this work.
Master Teacher Missionary Prep
Our youth have never been more prepared to serve as full-time missionaries than with Prescott Valley Stake's Master Teacher Missionary Preparation classes that are held monthly on the second Sunday of each month at 6pm, currently held at the Farley home (Viewpoint Ward). Just attending one meeting before departing for a mission puts our missionaries in a powerful position to be effective teachers of the gospel, but, high school seniors are invited to attend for a whole year before departing for a mission. Pre-missionaries that attend for a full-year will join the mission field with a strong outline for and teaching experience with all of the missionary lessons. Missionaries from our stake who get involved with this program are more prepared than ever before to teach the gospel with power and authority. Powerful missionaries are more confident and more likely to quickly adapt to missionary life. Take advantage of this great offering from the Prescott Valley Stake.
Strengthening Marriages Class
Strengthen your marriage and strengthen your life! Strong marriages are founded on love and the gospel of Jesus Christ. Whether you already have a strong marriage, or feel that your marriage is in crisis mode, click here to learn more about when classes are offered and how to sign up!
Temple and Family History
Click here for more information about the Temple and Family History efforts of our stake.
Full-Time Missionary Priorities
The Prescott Valley Stake is always blessed with many many amazing young men and women who are here, far from home, serving as full-time missionaries. These fantastic young men and women have been called to do a great work in our stake and can often be used in so many different and effective ways to do the Lord's work in our stake. This webpage lists their priorities and some of the creative ways that they can be used in our wards to advance the kingdom here on the Earth. Take advantage of these missionaries! As you know, before you know it, they will be transferred on to other areas!
Click here for more information about our goals to expand the JustServe effort in the Prescott Valley Stake.
Emergency Preparedness
Click here for more information about how to prepare yourself for emergencies and how the stake will respond in the case of an emergency.
Resources for Your Calling
Whether you are a bishop or a primary president, you need support! The stake has compiled multiple resources for you and organized them by calling. Bishoprics have access to myriad documents for organizing the ward, YM leaders have resources for running effective YM activities, and we have everything in-between, right here, curated for you!
Educational Resources (Scholarships and BYU Pathway)
Every year, millions of dollars of scholarship money goes unclaimed. It's time that you put this money to work to help you obtain a better career and a better life. Here are a many options for scholarships in the state of Arizona. Additionally, the BYU Pathway Program provides a quality and affordable outlet for higher education and you don't have to move next to a university to obtain it. Contact Grant and Pearl Turley in the Prescott Valley stake to learn more!
Safety in Church Activities
No matter what activity you are planning, SAFETY FIRST! When we plan safe activities and follow safety guidelines, we not only keep everyone protected from physical harm, we also protect ourselves and the Church from liability. Please refer to the PV Stake Safety guidelines website.
Resources that We Offer to Our Community
We are called to LOVE others, SHARE with others, and INVITE others to learn more about the gospel of Jesus Christ. When we think of sharing, usually we think of sharing our knowledge of Christ, but sometimes we are called to share the temporal resources of the Church with others. The Church has so very many resources that are designed to bless the lives of members and our friends of the Church alike. Click here to peruse some of the resources that we have compiled that are specifically designed to use yourself OR to share with someone who is not yet a member of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Welfare, Medical, and Other Resources Offered From Our Community For All Community Members in Need
There are so many resources available from local partners, organizations, governmental agencies, and non-governmental agencies, all designed to help people in need. Sometimes we just need to know where to look to find them. Here we will house multiple resources to help our families as we find them and we will continue to grow this list as we discover more.
Resources for Kids Ages 6-18
Resources for Those in Need
St. Vincent DePaul - Thousands of Phone Numbers from Local Organizations that Care for Those in Need
Yavapai Employment and Training Network - Hundreds of Compiled Phone Numbers and Addresses of Local Organizations Who want to Do Good in our Community
211 Arizona - This phenomenal website seeks to pinpoint your need with a resource in our community to help. Browse the website and learn of organizations and groups that you never knew existed! Maybe you'll want to volunteer for one of them!
Online Screening for MANY Resources - Single Stop Self-Screener : This resource will screen you so that you can learn whether you qualify for state public benefits like food & nutrition programs (SNAP and WIC) and State health insurance options (Medicaid, AHCCS, and CHIP).
Find Help - is a website where you can search by zip code for resources that can help you with financial assistance, food pantries, medical care, and other free or reduced-cost help.
Affordable Housing - This is a PDF document that lists affordable housing units (usually apartments), some of which are government subsidized so that rental agreements might be, in some cases, drastically reduced for those in need. Additionally, this documents lists scores of rental management companies that might give you insight about new apartments for rent that have recently become available in our area.
Yavapai County Resource Guide - This guide has tons of resources that are specific to Yavapai County. Here are a few: mental health, healthcare, health insurance, addiction and substance use recovery, housing, food, financial support, employment, transit, veterans resources, victim services and domestic violence, LGBTQ resources, disability services, etc.
Prescott Valley Stake Bishops' Storehouse
The latter days are not easy, but, when we all pull together, we will not only survive but thrive! The Bishops' Storehouse is not just a food and commodities warehouse in Phoenix. The Bishops' Storehouse, in reality, is all of us. All members of the Prescott Valley Stake ARE the Bishops' Storehouse for the members living in our area. If we pool our resources and all come together, we'll be able to help all of our members in need to start thriving like you do! When we pay it forward and pledge our skills and abilities to be wielded by the bishops in our stake to lift our needy members, you are paying it forward against the day when, perhaps, you too might need these commodities and services.
Fill out this survey to contribute your talents to the Bishops' Storehouse
Leaders, utilize this information to help members in need (Password Protected)
Thank you for your willingness to bless the lives of others!