Stake Relief Society Service Luncheons
Stake Relief Society Service Luncheon Committee
January Event
Thank you everyone for coming!
Our Relief Society Cookbook
Thank you to our Stake Relief Society Activity committee for all their hard work to put this together.
We love our sisters!
Thank you Brother Chase for all your help!
We welcome all Relief Society sisters to our January activity!
Meet our new Chairman, Sister Lisa Chase of Yavapai Lakes Ward
January Flyer
Thank you for coming to our our December Service drop off. We had such a great turnout. Thank you for all your donations! We were literally amazed at the number of donations, see the picture of our completely filled truck! You ladies are truly amazing!
December 5, 2020
Our sisters are the best!
We are looking forward to our January event where we will be focusing on Romans 12:4-5.
Thanks for braving the cold to come to our October Service Luncheon
October 27th and 28th 2020 at the Stake Center and at the Chino Valley Building.
We had some wonderful goodies and a beautiful handout! We enjoyed eating and talking and talking some more!
Sisters Asselstine and Bunker
Sisters Johnson and Sexton
Our newlywed, Sister Denardo and Sister Luten
Sisters Trevor, Lagan, Kurtz and Gaston
Sisters Kleinman and Crossland came!
Even the antelope came and made an appearance!
Little hairy friends for all sisters!
Sisters Gaston and David
Sisters Tippets, Drummond & David
Sisters McGuire and Tippets
Thanks for joining us and for all the wonderful donations!
Special thank to Sister Kurtz and her entire committee for making this event happen!